Product Name: Recover from the Grief of Pet Loss

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Recover from the Grief of Pet Loss is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Using Robin Jean Brown’s Dependable ROAR Method.

If you loved your pet, this special guide is necessary…to get the help you need right now. Instantly. Even if it’s 3 in the morning.

“Robin, when I lost my dog after 11 wonderful years, I was devastated. I felt all alone without my beloved companion. When I tried talking to people, they would laugh and tell me it’s just a dog.

After reading your guide and doing the exercises, I’m feeling tremendously better than before. I’m still grieving, but I’m thankful that now I have a helpful resource to comfort me.”

Jennifer T.
South Carolina

From the Desk of: John Bash, President of Spring Water Publishing
Written: today=new Date();todayInMillisecs=today.getTime();milsecsInADay=1000*60*60*24;mydate=new Date(0*milsecsInADay+todayInMillisecs);var year=mydate.getYear();if (year < 1000)year+=1900;var day=mydate.getDay();var month=mydate.getMonth();var daym=mydate.getDate();if (daym<10)daym='0'+daym;var dayarray=new Array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'); var montharray=new Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October' ,'November','December');document.write(' ‘+montharray[month]+’ ‘+daym+’, ‘+year+”);

All pet lovers have to face the death of their pets, sooner or later.

Other people don’t understand what it’s like. They may think that “it’s just a dog,” “only a cat,” or “just a rabbit.” But you and I know that the pain of loss that we feel is very deep and very real.

You see, it’s not only the loss through the death of your animal…but also the losses of companionship, comfort, security and love…that cause your pain.

Robin Jean Brown faced that journey when her beloved companion animal died after a long, painful ordeal with brain cancer.

An Easy To Follow Guide
That Will Show You
Exactly What To Do To Cope

Robin’s ebook will take you by the hand and lead you through all five stages of grief. How to ROAR: Pet Loss Grief Recovery is not something that’s passive, where you just read about other people.

Instead you’ll find exercises and self-help activities that will help you work through your pain. Every chapter has Journaling Questions that will validate the sorrow that you’re feeling, as Robin leads you to create your own unique story of you and your beloved pet.

Robin is a kind, understanding person, because she’s been through the sadness herself of losing a pet who she considered to be her closest friend in the world.

Many people don’t understand this truth: “Grief is like a raging river. In order to get to the other side, you must swim through it. And if you avoid swimming through, you’ll never get to other side.”

Many People Harm Themselves
By Suppressing Their Grief.
Due To These 14 Myths…

If you’re still holding onto any of the 14 myths of grief…Robin Jean Brown’s comforting guide is absolutely for you.

You’ll Have Instant Help
To Get You Through The
Turmoil, Sadness, and Tears

That’s because this special guide is available in ebook format that you download instantly. That means that you get this effective material when you need it the most — right now.

There’s no waiting in line at the bookstore, and no waiting for a shipment to arrive in the mail.

You can instantly get this comforting material right now — I mean within the next minute you can be reading it!

Robin Jean Brown understands firsthand the deep bond that can develop between person and animal. She’s not some cold psychologist, but rather a pet owner herself who dealt with her own painful journey through the grieving process.

She found that there wasn’t a lot of help for her. Other books are either too cold and clinical…or they’re too sad, and just make you cry harder. And none of them had workbook-style questions to guide her through her journey.

So Robin wrote the guide herself – to deal with your grief, effectively and step by step. She is personal, empathetic, and comforting – yet at the same time she’ll help you move through your grief.

Her special ebook will introduce you to a revolutionary way of coping with pet loss. Robin developed and delicately refined a 4 Step Technique for coping with pet loss that she coined “ROAR.”

Here’s a brief introduction to this technique by Robin Jean Brown herself…

“It’s easy to remain passive during the grief process and to see yourself as nothing more than a helpless victim. For this reason, it’s important to use your acceptance of the situation as a jumping off point for a renewed commitment to your life. Going beyond the five stages of grief helps you to ROAR into a new existence.”

Here’s what Robin Jean Brown promises you – soon after learning the “ROAR” method to grieve the death of your pet…

“Embracing life again
is such an exciting possibility and you are
at the point to do just that. You have
acknowledged and dealt with the pain of
death. You have explored the grief process
and know how to move on. You respect the
lives of those no longer with us and
appreciate that you need to live joyfully
too. Guilt, denial and anger are banished
from your outlook, and you are
emotionally healthy once again.”

So, If You Have Lost Your Pet –
Do You Want To Embrace Your Life,
And Be Emotionally Healthy Again?

Keep reading…Don’t forget to find out the sad experience of the
author. Maybe it’s similar to what happened to you.

“Beyond the
unconditional love and affection our pets
provide, there are medical benefits
associated with pet ownership…”

“Pets teach us about responsibility and
love, and help us to interact with others.”

“Children especially benefit from pets because they learn how to
care for another being.”

“As children, many of us were responsible for the feeding and care of a pet, and this experience helped us become responsible and caring adults. ”

“One of the best lessons that can be taught by a pet is that of

“The presence of animals can reduce stress
levels and help people to love and show interest in another life no
matter what their circumstances are.”

Some people may have intimate bond when they… “live with a companion service animal or see their pet as a life partner or a child.”

If you treat your lost pet as family member… “You may hold a
more formal service, choose a burial over a cremation and elect to do
something in memory of your pet whether you buy a memorial item or
participate in a fundraising activity that relates to animals.”

This is a “traditional
care” human-animal relationship… “For example, if you typically
get up in the morning and walk the dog, you might want to consider
another activity such as exercise, yoga, or reading the newspaper.”

Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, author of the groudbreaking
book, On Death and Dying, defined a five-stage grief process – “Denial…
Anger… Bargaining… Sadness… Acceptance…”

Robin Jean Brown will work with you to help you get through these stages step-by-step, using the most effective methods possible. Her coveted guide also reveals:

Plus…Robin goes the extra mile
with warmth and understanding to show you
how to help your loved ones to grieve.

As you work through the pain of pet loss, you may have read many other books. Have they worked? No, maybe not.

Why? Because you have to do something to work through your grief. You must take action and break through what’s holding you back.

You can’t just read…and wish…your way out of the rut you’re stuck in. There’s nothing wrong with you – that other stuff just doesn’t show you how it works for you.

That’s why Robin gives you full-detailed journaling questions throughout her guide, to lead you through the grieving process.

Even if the death of your pet, though inevitable, hasn’t happened to you yet – this is a worthy investment in peace of mind. Wouldn’t it be better to get prepared and learn how to enjoy each moment you get? I know you’re wise to do so.

“Grief can lead to depression… You don’t shave, you don’t
shower… You don’t care.”

“It’s difficult for the public to realize how powerful the mind is, and
how much pain the mind can give you. When you’re depressed, it’s as though
this committee has taken over your mind, leaving you one depressing thought
after the other. You don’t shave, you don’t shower, you don’t brush your
teeth. You don’t care.”

– Rod Steiger,
On the Edge of Darkness

“Contact a mental health professional immediately”… or at
least get
Robin Jean Brown’s guide.

“Grief is a normal response to a normal occurrence, yet each person goes
through it differently. If you feel as though you cannot recover, or it you
have thoughts of self-harm, contact a mental health professional

– Dr. Matt Zimmerman,
Licensed psychologist practicing in Pembroke Pines, FL.

“Depression (due to grief) could surely be described as

“Depression could surely be described as quicksand. It is a natural
reaction, and justified by the nature of your loss. But if you feel the
symptoms of depression taking hold of you to the extent that they interfere
with your day-to-day life, you need to make every possible effort to break
out of it before it becomes a trap.”

– Moira Anderson Allen, M.Ed.Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet

Humans are most often at a loss as to how to…

“The bond between pet and human is often a very deep and loving one. When
a pet dies or is lost for what ever reason, humans are most often at a loss
as to how to deal with the emotions and pain that accompany this situation.”

Kay Cox
The Pet Counselor

Plus, in the pages Robin Jean Brown’s guide, you’ll discover how to…

About the Author: A Real Life Story…

“Like a lot of people, I’ve had pets my whole life. In elementary school, I had gerbils, a cat and a bulldog. In middle school, I had a pet frog, a guinea pig and two dogs that I got from the animal shelter.

And also like a lot of people, I’ve had to deal with the tragedy of pets dying my whole life. Until recently, probably the hardest loss I’ve experienced was when I was little and our bulldog ran away.

When our family dog Clyde ran away, I was very sad and I felt an emptiness in my 9-year old life. My parents later told me that Clyde had actually been run over by a car. I survived, and as the years went on, we got more pets and everything was fine.

Flash forward to today. My beautiful, noble, intelligent Border collie mix, Andy, was my life. It was hard moving to new places because of my job, and leaving my friends and family behind. But even though it was hard I always had Andy by my side. For a while he was my best friend and the only “person” I could talk to every day. He was always with me and totally loyal no matter what.

Then one fall, Andy started feeling really sick and run down. The top of his head looked and felt strangely sunken in. I took him to the vet and the following January Andy was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. The news was shocking, but I was determined to give Andy the greatest life any dog could ever have during all of his remaining days.

His decline was steady. His vision was decreasing with each passing day, and by February he was blind. Then he started going to the bathroom in the house, which was so unlike him because he was always the best-behaved boy, and he would never think to do something like that.

When Andy died after months of illness, it was different than the other times I had experienced the loss of a pet. People told me that my loss would get better with time, but it didn’t.

Day after day the feelings continued. I was deeply, overwhelmingly distraught – so much so that I would just sit on my couch and not move all day. My whole body ached, like I had the flu. I wouldn’t eat. I didn’t want to live anymore without my baby boy. (And that was SCARY because I’ve never lost the will to live before.)

I had reached bottom emotionally, and I felt so completely worn out.

I didn’t know what to do. No one understood what I was feeling. I tried to ask for advice, and none of it worked. People would tell me to “get over it.” But that was easier said than done.

I looked around for books on the subject of pet loss and grieving and found they weren’t readily available. So I kept investigating. Once I had done some research, I realized that this would be the perfect opportunity for me to write a book (which I’d always wanted to do). It used to be that I wanted to write the great American novel, but now, since I couldn’t stop grieving over the death of my baby boy, what better subject to write about than the grieving process? And what better tribute to my beloved pet? I was motivated and inspired.

The writing process helped me more than I ever imagined it could. It is because of my own experience that I believe this book to be an important resource. You see, this is not just a book that you read passively. It offers a step-by-step approach for you to work – not to “get over it” (since we can never “get over it”) but to at least understand your grief, move towards the acceptance stage, and eventually become happy again (which is what our deceased pets would want).

I truly believed that researching and writing this book would be good therapy for me, and it was! I immersed myself in this project. I exhausted all research possibilities, devoured every book I could find on the subject of dealing with grief, and talked to everyone I knew who’d faced the grief of pet loss. When I was finished writing, I was able to think happy thoughts again. I could remember Andy and smile rather than cry.

I hope that my book and the questions I ask you to think about will help you as much as they have helped me.”

Robin Jean Brown

“…helped me work through the death of my dog

“At first I was
skeptical that a book could have helped me work through the death of my dog.
But once I started reading it seriously, and using the workbook pages, I
learned a lot about myself.

I would recommend this book to anyone who has lost a pet and doesn’t
know what to do next.”

Alexandra S.

“…this book would benefit
anyone dealing with the loss of an animal, regardless of species.”

“Having experienced the loss of a pet very important to me, I
found many helpful ideas in Robin Jean Brown’s Pet Loss Guide. As grief
over the loss of a pet is not necessarily validated by the society in
which we live, it is refreshing to read a book that deals respectfully
with such grief. The text is easy to understand, and the workbook
exercises provide ample opportunity for the self-expression necessary to
the healing process. I think this book would benefit anyone dealing with
the loss of an animal, regardless of species.”

If You’re Still Not Sure…
Here Are 40 Warning Signs That Show You May
Be Deeply Influenced By Grief…

Why You Never Want
To Overlook Your Grief…

(Source: Newswise)

How to ROAR: Pet Loss Grief Recovery is unique in that it both empathizes with what you’re going through and helps you to work through the pain.

You need not struggle for up to a year or more, depressed and desperately searching for comfort to cope with your heartbreak. Robin’s compassionate hand will pull you through.

Praise for How to Roar: Pet Loss Grief Recovery

“…it will help so many people
during this time.”

wanted to say you did a great job on this book…. You have done a
wonderful job and I think it will help so many people during this time.”

(greyson/gizmo’s mom)

“Truly a

“I had the opportunity to read
this book a week before we had to help
our Bear pass on. It brought me so much comfort and hope that words
will never adequately express my gratitude. Truly a treasure and one
I will recommend to friends and family who are also experiencing the
grief of losing a beloved furbaby.

Thank you so much, Robin.”

“I’m thankful that Robin wrote this. Please read How to ROAR if you’re hurting from your pet’s death. It will help you through the pain.

“I never knew how to truly
overcome the grief, until I’ve read your book.”

“I’ve owned many pets from the age of 5. They’ve left me one
by one. And I never know how to truly overcome the grief, until I’ve
read your book. Next time, I’ll be prepared for such loss!”

Epi A.
Darwin, Australia

Journaling Questions Helped a Reader

“Robin, I have to tell you that I am amazed at how once I started writing,
I couldn’t stop, the words just kept flowing and I really think just
releasing those words made me feel better.”

Donna L.
(From email received)

“After I lost my darling cat, I was desperately searching for a book to ease my pain. My son got me Robin’s ebook and printed it out for me.
I cried when I was reading and filling out the questions, but it comforted me and healed me. I was comforted to know that Robin Jean Brown went through the same pain that I went through. We were both so close to our pets. They were soulmates.”

This valuable information to help you move through your grief and honor your pet’s memory…

…to bring some calm in your storm of grief…a breath of air when you feel like you’re drowning in turmoil…

…which you can get instantly and be reading within one minute…

Get This Information Today!

Respect my loss and
Own my reality
Affirm myself
my life

I understand that when I sign up, I’ll be taken right away to a special download page where I’ll get instant access to Robin’s guide.

I understand that if I’m not absolutely pleased with what I receive,
I can contact the author within 60 days for a full, no-questions-asked
refund. I understand that if I wish, I’ll be able to get my full refund for any reason whatsoever. That way I know that I’m getting this guide risk free.

Click here to start your petloss grief recovery (immediate download)

Get Robin’s precious guide now. You’ll be able to handle the
changes that come to you. You’ll know what you want out of life. You’ll
learn to survive the loss. And you deserve to be happy.

Perhaps some people you love have just lost their pet and are helpless now?…
Give them How to ROAR: Pet Loss Grief Recovery! It’s a great way to show
them your love and care.

In years to
come, this treasured work will be a lasting, comforting guide – to you, your children, friends,
relatives, and perhaps to generations yet unborn – of successful pet loss
mourning and recovery.

P.S. Remember, you have nothing to lose for taking us up on this 3-month trial offer. If you feel that How to ROAR: Pet Loss Grief Recovery did not help you, just ask for a refund within 60 days and get all your money back. Unconditionally. With no small print.

Click here to start your petloss grief recovery (immediate download)

“This is the best guide on the subject of pet loss that I have ever

read. From an emotional standpoint, the loss of a dear pet is a

subject that can every bit as painful to the sufferer as it is for

those who grieve the loss of a close human relative. Robin Jean

Brown’s guide deals with a delicate topic with deep understanding and


The problem that the griever faces is that they simply don’t know how

to handle pet bereavement. “How to ROAR” takes the reader through the

stages of grief (and beyond, toward the ROAR process that Robin

created), helping the reader to understand exactly what to expect.

She also gives helpful tips on other topics most people do not know

how to deal with, such as how to help a child grieve and what to say

to a friend who has suffered a loss.

The best part of Robin’s book is the Journaling Questions that she has

interspersed throughout the text. They are self-help and

self-expression exercises that will help the reader move through his

or her grief. “How to ROAR” is kind, understanding, and pertinent,

and I strongly recommend it to anyone facing the sadness of pet death.”

Pam Van Zwoll
School Counselor
Holland, Michigan

Click here to start your petloss grief recovery (immediate download)

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Click here to get Recover from the Grief of Pet Loss at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Recover from the Grief of Pet Loss is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.