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ATTENTION: If You’ve Tried Everything and Can’t Lose Weight – This Letter Is Your Way Out

Releases Belly Fat 7.5 Times FASTER

More Energy, More Stamina and More Endurance From Day One

Substantial Weight Loss in Days NOT Months

This letter is for you because it’s about you.

It all started with gaining a few pounds, back when you weren’t obsessed about your weight yet.

Those 5 pounds turned to 10, then 10 pounds turned to 20…

That’s when your clothes weren’t fitting like they used to…

Maybe your jeans were tighter and harder to button…

Your thighs started rubbing together when you walked…

Or you had to start shopping for bigger sizes…

Before you knew it, people started looking at you differently…

Maybe your friends, co-workers, even family members started talking about you behind your back…

…making comments and jokes about your weight…

People started treating you differently, sometimes like you didn’t even exist…

…passed over for jobs, ignored by so-called “friends”, excluded from groups, talked down to…

After a while, you realized you had a problem.

You were gaining weight and you didn’t know what to do about it.

Maybe you tried dieting and eating healthier…

Whether it was cutting back on fast food, eating smaller portions, or even skipping meals…

If you were really motivated, you might have even started working out…

Maybe it was doing more cardio, jogging or joining a gym…

Because if it did, you wouldn’t be here right now.

And after trying EVERYTHING, you still have a problem you can’t seem to solve.

You want to scream when they tell you to just eat less and move more…

If that really worked, you would be a lot slimmer by now…

You hear all the “experts” and social media “influencers” calling you lazy, unmotivated and undisciplined because they were born with a fast metabolism and perfect genes…

Look, while I don’t personally know you…

I know that you’re stronger, tougher and more determined than you think.

If you weren’t, you would have given up trying to lose weight a long time ago, because it’s exhausting and frustrating…

Just when you think you’re making progress, everything stalls and you feel like you’re back at square one.

But that all changes today…

Because I’m going to let you in on a little secret that can change your life if you let it..

All thanks to a “grapefruit secret” that helped me, a 57 year old Emergency Room nurse from Colby, Kansas…

…lose over 55 pounds of heart-wrenching fat, after a botched hip replacement surgery…

That left me pain-free for the first time in decades…

And gave me a new lease on life with my children and my grandchildren…

Whether I was eating a cheeseburger and fries…

Cookie dough ice cream, you name it…

And the fat started melting off.

Other than taking my pug pup Butter for short walks around the block…

I didn’t watch my portion sizes…

And I didn’t overhaul my diet…

I still ate all the foods I loved…

And I lost more fat in two months than most people lose in ten years.

Suddenly, I was bending over to pick up my 1-year-old grandson without my belly getting in the way…

I was carrying big baskets of laundry from my dryer in my basement, up two flights of stairs, and into my bedroom with ease.

I know that might not sound like much, but before I could barely walk up ONE flight of stairs without breathing heavily…

Now we go to brunch together on Sundays…

We have playdates with our grandkids…

We do yoga in the park…

And later this year we’re all going on a Caribbean cruise together…

Which I’m SO excited for, because I can confidently wear a bathing suit for the first time since I was a kid.

My 4-year-old granddaughter doesn’t grab or pinch my belly anymore, because there’s nothing to pinch…

And I have this sense of joy and peace in my life that I haven’t felt in forever.

I know that may sound silly…

But it’s the little things that mean the most.

Now I’m 10 sizes smaller…

My thighs don’t rub together when I walk…

All of my cellulite has completely disappeared…

My face is so much thinner, my double chin disappeared, and my skin is so much tighter.

And the cherry on top was taking my 38-year old daughter out for dinner on her birthday and the waiter asked if WE were sisters.

Don’t worry, I’m going to share with you exactly what I did, and how I did it, in just a minute…

Because after getting a new lease on life, the nurse-in-me wants to help you get a new lease on yours.

So whether you’ve tried counting calories…

Eating smaller portions…

Eating more protein and veggies…

Whether you cut out sugar…

Or started eating more “whole foods”…

If you’ve tried keto…

Lean Cuisines for dinner…

Or not eating after 8 pm…

If you’ve tried EVERYTHING and nothing EVER works, then I just want you to know, you’re not the problem, they are.

You see, none of those things I just mentioned solve the root cause of weight gain and belly fat at the source…

Which is why, what I’m about to show you is something I can virtually guarantee you’ve never heard of before…

So please, give me your full attention for the next two minutes

Because whether you’ve been struggling to lose weight for three months, three years, or three decades…

That all changes right now.

Time is the only thing we can never get back…

And I’m not going to waste yours.

From my early 30’s to my mid 50’s, I tried EVERYTHING…

I spent 20 years working as an emergency room nurse…

I was on my feet all day long…

There were no Apple watches in 1987 when I got my first job, however…

I bet I easily did 20,000+ steps a day…

Yet my weight never budged.

I jumped from diet to diet every couple of months…

First it was Weight Watchers…

Then it was Jenny Craig…

A few months later, my pantry was full of NutriSystem meals…

The worst were the “desserts” that tasted like cardboard, especially the rock-hard cookies…

When none of those worked, I moved on to something else…

I remember sitting at the dinner table with my bland Lean Cuisine piping hot from the microwave, while my husband and our two girls enjoyed a delicious family meal.

I felt so embarrassed and ashamed.

I was helping people get healthier all day long…

But the one person I couldn’t help was myself.

When I couldn’t stomach another frozen dinner…

I think my husband felt sorry for me, or maybe it was just pity, but he agreed to do Atkins with me…

We were eating big hunks of cheese…

Bacon and eggs every morning…

And after dropping 6 pounds…

And the second I had some bread or pasta…

The weight started coming right back on and I ended up gaining 8 pounds.

I tried working through my lunch hour and not eating at all…

My hubby and I even stopped going out for pizza on Friday nights…

Yet every morning, when I got dressed and put my scrubs on, there was my belly hanging over my waistband…

Like a bad roommate who would never leave.

This went on for over twenty five years…

Until my hubby and I went to Australia for our wedding anniversary…

That transformed me into a completely different person from the inside out.

Once you do this, your entire life will change.

Not only can you lose more weight in the next two weeks than most people do in two years…

You’ll feel this giant weight lifted off your shoulders…

You’re not constantly thinking about your body and everything you eat…

You can go shopping at ANY store you want KNOWING they’ll have your size…

It’s so much fun shopping for sexy, stylish clothes, which was basically impossible when I was heavier.

And the biggest thing for me is actually being able to enjoy eating again.

Yet for so long, I felt guilty because everything felt like it was getting stored as fat.

Now, you can go out for a family dinner guilt-free…

You can enjoy pancakes, pizza, french fries, you name it…

And no, I’m not talking about the “healthy” desserts that taste horrible…

I’m talking about REAL dessert…

Without worrying about your waistline…

Because once you solve the root cause of why your body is storing fat in the first place…

You’ll be able to enjoy ALL your favorite foods guilt-free.

I know, because it’s exactly what happened to me…

And it can happen to you too…

Please read the rest of this letter with an open mind.

You probably haven’t heard about any of this before, and it’s going to open your eyes about the real reason your body is storing fat…

Forget everything you’ve learned about weight loss, because honestly, if that really worked then you wouldn’t be here right now.

Look, this is about more than just your body

Think about everyone who loves and cares about you…

Everyone who depends on you…

You’re doing this for more than just yourself…

You’re doing this for everyone you love…

Everyone who looks up to you…

Maybe that’s your spouse…

Or your grandkids, who secretly watch your every move and copy what you do, even if you don’t realize it…

They grow up modeling the same habits their parents and grandparents show them on a daily basis…

You’re doing it for them…

So they can grow up and live LONG, healthy, HAPPY lives…

…without ever having to go through the pain you and I went through carrying around all our extra weight…

The thought of my little granddaughter Lucy being made fun of because of her weight, like I was as a kid, just breaks my heart.

And that’s why you’re here, because you’re strong enough to do this, mentally, emotionally, and physically…

You’re READY for this…

You’re READY to make a change…

Otherwise you wouldn’t have read this far.

Time is the only thing we can never get back, and so…

And if you’re healthy, fit and happy, then please keep doing what you’re doing, because it’s obviously working…

If you’re not happy with your body

If you and the scale aren’t currently on good terms…

If you never seem to have enough energy, no matter how much rest you get…

If you want to be around to watch your kids or your grandkids grow up…

Then please, take this seriously…

Because it’s your health…

And you only get one of them…

And the information here can and will change your life.

Before our trip to Australia, I went to see my doctor.

You see, a few months earlier I had a hip replacement surgery that went horribly wrong.

I ended up having to go back for a second surgery because they botched the first one, which left me on bed rest for months.

After a LONG road to recovery, I was heavier than ever.

So my doctor and the hospital dietician put me on a strict 1,200 calorie diet.

Looking over the meal plan, it was A LOT of veggies, along with fruit, lean proteins and some healthy fats.

This was WAY less than I was used to eating, but I desperately wanted to slim down before our anniversary trip.

I stopped at the grocery store on my way home from the doctors, stocked up on all the foods that were on the meal plan, and I started it that night.

I didn’t cut corners…

I even started walking three miles a day, hoping it would help the weight come off faster.

That’s right, I was eating way less than ever before, I was getting my protein in, I was eating more veggies than I had in the last decade combined…

…and I didn’t lose a single pound.

My doctor was shocked because this had never happened before with one of his patients.

He said that most people lose at least 10-25 pounds on this plan, but apparently my body had different ideas…

Because it was desperately holding on to every last pound.

It was like everything I tried never worked and this was just the latest in a long line of diet failures.

Have you ever wondered why some people can lose weight so easily and for you it’s like pulling teeth?

That’s how I felt, but I didn’t have time to sulk…

Because even though I didn’t lose a single pound, I was determined to have the time of my life on our anniversary trip, with the man who loved me no matter my shape or size.

Australia was on both of our bucket lists, and I had been planning it for over a year, so we were both on cloud nine as we boarded the plane…

And it definitely didn’t disappoint.

The white sand beaches, the sun-soaked skies, and the incredible local food – it was truly amazing.

It was tucked away from all the hustle and bustle of the tourist towns and had this calm, peaceful feel that I absolutely loved.

Everyone was so friendly, with smiles from ear to ear…

But what really stuck out was how thin and young everyone looked.

We started chatting with a couple who turned out to be in their early 80’s yet didn’t look a day over 40…

My jaw was on the floor…

And it wasn’t just them, almost everyone we met was slim, slender and full of energy…

However, what started out as a fun day trip quickly turned into a nightmare.

As we were walking down one of the village roads, I started to feel dizzy…

The heat was really getting to me…

I remember taking a few more steps and then BAM!

“Where am I?”, I said in a groggy voice.

“Don’t worry ma’am, you’re in safe hands”.

“I’m Dr. Poole. You had us all really scared out there.”

It turns out I collapsed out on the trail.

“I didn’t mean to startle you. When they brought you in, you were slightly dehydrated. But there’s something much more concerning.”

“When any patient comes in with an elevated heart rate and a high BMI, one of the first things we do is a bilirubin test.

“What’s that?”, I asked.

“It’s a test that measures the levels of bilirubin in the blood.”

I looked at him like he had two heads, because I still had no idea what he was talking about.

“Bilirubin is an orange-yellow liquid formed in the liver and excreted in bile.

Your bilirubin levels are extremely low, and while the heat definitely played a factor out there today, I’m more concerned about your weight.

Over the next few minutes, I shared my whole backstory with Dr. Poole…

How I had been trying to lose weight for over twenty years…

My botched hip replacement surgery…

And how my doctor even had me on a 1,200 calorie diet and I still didn’t lose a single pound.

“Now your test results make total sense”, he said…

“Bile is likely something that you haven’t given much thought to, but if you have low energy and can’t lose weight, there’s a good chance it’s playing a key role.”

“Before we go any further, let’s do a quick test”, he said.

If your waist is 35 inches or more as a woman…

Or 40 inches or more as a man…

Then you’re carrying around a dangerous amount of abdominal fat…

And it’s a CLEAR sign your bile isn’t working right.

This deeper visceral fat that builds up around your abdominal organs has been strongly linked to an increased risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and even dementia.

The Million Woman Study conducted in Britain demonstrated a direct link between the development of coronary heart disease and an increase in waist size.

The chances of developing heart disease DOUBLED among the women with the largest waists.

Every additional two inches in waist size raised their risk by 10%.

“Look, I’m not here to try and scare you, however you need to understand that belly fat isn’t just something that most people find embarrassing…

It’s the precursor to many of the world’s deadliest diseases.”

But you mentioned how many different diets you’ve been on, so it’s not because you’re eating too much, it’s something deeper.”

Over the next few minutes, Dr. Poole gave me a crash course about the REAL reason I couldn’t lose weight…

If you have 20 or more pounds that you want to lose…

All that extra fat is more than just uncomfortable…

It’s a sign that our bile, the digestive liquid that breaks down dietary fat in the body, isn’t working right.

Over 80% of women and men over the age of 40 have thick, congested bile and it’s causing them to pack on pounds.

When it comes to reversing a toxic metabolism and losing stubborn body fat, nothing’s more important than bile.

Without properly functioning bile, you can’t digest and absorb the nutrients that are crucial for a healthy metabolism.

When the body can’t break down dietary fats, it stores them as extra padding.

Bile’s secondary function is toxin removal.

As it travels throughout the body, bile acts as a garbage chute for toxins, sweeping them up so they can be removed in the stool.

But when you eat the wrong foods, and when you’re less active (like in the winter months), your bile becomes thick and congested, so it’s unable to flow freely.

When your bile can’t flow throughout your body and remove toxins, those harmful substances stay in your body and get stored in your fat cells..

Think of a sink filled with dirty dishes caked with grease and sticky food.

To break down all the grease and grime, you’re going to need a high-quality dish soap…

And that’s what bile is…

It’s the liquid detergent that breaks down dietary fats from each meal, so those fats can be used by your body for energy.

If your body doesn’t have clean, thin bile to break down dietary fats, those fats end up getting stored around your belly, hips, and thighs, and the pounds start to creep on.

As we get older, everyday toxins build up in the body and become trapped in bile. It’s what makes your bile thick and unable to flow freely.

One of bile’s roles is to break down estrogen, so it can be eliminated from the body for hormonal balance.

Beginning in perimenopause (around age 42), many women experience “estrogen dominance”…

This is when estrogen levels are high compared to other hormones…

As your body attempts to balance things out, your bile becomes THICK with estrogen…

Which makes it less effective at doing its jobs…

This creates a vicious cycle of slow-moving bile and worsening estrogen dominance, making weight loss extremely difficult, which is why so many women struggle to lose weight as they get older.

It’s not because you’re “eating too much” or not “exercising enough”…

If your bile is thick and stuck, it’s causing you to store fat at the hormonal level, and no amount of cardio or kale is going to fix that.

The stress hormone cortisol also hinders bile production, so the more stressed we are, the less bile we have in our body to break down fat.

You need to be able to digest and absorb the nutrients from the food you eat, and with congested bile, it’s not breaking down any fat…

…so it gets stored around your belly, hips, thighs and butt instead, making weight loss virtually impossible…

Which is why so many people go on a diet or start a new workout program and can’t get results no matter how hard they try…

If you’re experiencing two or more of the following, it’s a sign of a bile deficiency:

Inability to lose weight

As Dr. Poole was sharing all this new information with me, I asked him how all the locals look so young and slim…

“Well, he said, I’m 62 years old and I feel like I’m 32.

From a young age, we get our bile checked, just like they probably check your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar in America.

There isn’t obesity here and people are living longer than ever because It’s part of our routine, since we know how important it is.

And since our little village is big on family and staying together, most people simply don’t leave. They spend most of their life here, and so I guess we’ve just kept this as our little secret.

And that’s why we drink this every morning…

“I want you to drink this”, Dr. Poole said…

It’ll start thinning out your bile and don’t be surprised if you start losing weight too.”

I was surprised because it tasted amazing, it was sweet with a hint of grapefruit..

As I was getting ready to say goodbye to Dr. Poole, he handed me a container.

“Here, take this with you. It takes more than one drink to completely thin out your bile.

You’ll want to do it for at least 30 days straight.

Just mix a small spoonful with water every morning before you eat anything.”

Already feeling more energized, I was excited to spend the next 10 days enjoying Australia with my husband.

Every morning, I took a small spoonful and mixed my “pink grapefruit” drink before enjoying the hotel breakfast buffet…

The energy flowing through me felt incredible…

Instead of just laying on the beach, my husband and I started going on hikes, we walked for hours sightseeing, and we definitely enjoyed all the local cuisine.

When we got back home, something crazy happened…

I NEVER want to weigh myself, so this was really weird, but I decided to do it anyway…

And I couldn’t believe it…

Over our last 10 days of vacation, I lost 8 pounds!

Now, 8 pounds might not seem like much to you…

But I hadn’t lost 8 pounds in my ENTIRE life…

All the diets, all the workouts, counting calories, cutting carbs, fasting, you name it, I tried it – and NONE of it helped me lose ANY weight…

So being down 8 pounds in just over a week felt like I won the lottery…

My bile must have been thinning out like crazy, because I was burning fat so fast it was like my metabolism was on fire…

After my first week back home, I lost 7 more pounds…

And I lost another 11 pounds the week after that…

Every morning, I would hop out of the shower, look in the mirror, and see my face getting thinner…

My double chin was almost gone completely…

My stomach was starting to get flatter…

The cellulite on my thighs was starting to smooth out…

And my clothes were literally hanging off me…

I wasn’t eating more veggies…

And I wasn’t skipping meals or dessert…

I just kept focusing on thinning out my bile…

And for the first time ever, losing weight actually felt easy…

However, there was one big problem…

I was quickly running out of Dr. Poole’s mixture, and I had no idea what was actually in it…

I knew if I ran out all the weight would start coming right back on…

I was desperate, there was no way I could go back now, I needed to find a way to figure out what was in the drink that was burning off so much fat.

So I did the only thing I could think of…

I called Dr. Poole and told him about my amazing results…

“That’s wonderful news!”, he said.

“It’s pretty obvious your bile is thinning out and when that happens your body thins out too.”

“You said yourself that everyone in the village drinks it religiously every morning. It’s why you’re all so healthy and slim.

And I’m terrified about gaining all my weight back.”

I don’t know if it was the pain in my voice, or maybe I just caught him at the right moment, but he agreed to share his recipe with me.

“But I’m not just going to give you a list of ingredients…

I want you to know WHY it works, that way you’ll know exactly how your body burns fat, and you’ll never have to worry about rebound weight gain ever again.”

What most people don’t know is that your liver burns fat when exposed to a flavonoid called naringenin…

Naringenin turns off the genes responsible for making new fat, while turning ON the genes that use stored fat for energy…

That means it basically ignites your fat-burning engines that slim your waist, and flatten your belly.

And it’s also a powerful “bile thinner”…

Plus, naringenin “tricks” your liver into breaking down more fat…

And it can produce results that are similar to those induced by long periods of fasting or low-carb diets.

Cortisol (aka the stress hormone) plays a key role in the build up of belly fat.

However, naringenin blocks an enzyme in your fat tissue and keeps cortisone from converting into cortisol.

Naringenin blocks glucose production in the liver…

As cortisol levels drop and your blood sugars normalize, belly fat melts off.

Especially in today’s world, where we’re all more stressed than ever, you need something that’s going to make sure your stress hormones don’t secretly sabotage your weight loss.

It’s one of the missing links that make most diets and workout programs ineffective…

Because if you’re stressed AND your bile is thick like oil, then it’s going to be virtually impossible to burn fat without starving yourself.

However, there are four more nutrients that clean, thin, cleanse and create more bile, so you can slim down from the inside out:

Choline increases bile production in the liver to help break down fat…

And it also helps thin your bile, so that it can flush built-up toxins out of your liver.

The truth is, your liver NEEDS choline in order to break down fat, and most of us aren’t getting nearly enough of it…

I don’t know about you, but I’d never even heard of choline before, and since it’s so vital to producing bile and breaking down fat…

…I can see why it didn’t matter how many calories and carbs I cut, it never made a big difference because my thick bile was making it impossible to break down fat…

And so it just sat there, on my belly, my thighs, on the back of my arms…

I always told my friends that my body was resistant to diet and exercise because after trying for over 20 years, nothing ever worked…

But not ONE of those diets or weight loss programs EVER mentioned choline…

And the other reason why it’s so powerful, is because choline breaks down excess estrogen in the body AND metabolizes fatty deposits…

Which basically means it breaks down all the pockets of fat on your body and flushes them out…

Which is why you can start slimming down so fast.

Taurine is the star of the show because it stimulates bile production.

That’s really important because as your body makes NEW, clean bile, it flushes out and replaces the thick, toxic bile that’s in your body right now.

It’s like draining a fish tank that hasn’t been cleaned in six months, and replacing it with fresh, clean water that allows everything inside to thrive.

You simply can’t clean out your bile unless you’re getting enough taurine daily…

Which is why it’s referred to as the “detox machine”…

It also helps eliminate toxins from your liver, soothes inflammation, and improves blood sugar control.

And a recent study published by the National Institutes of Health showed that body fat was reduced significantly in obese individuals who were consuming more taurine.

Lecithin is a compound that’s the primary agent in bile. Basically, it breaks down fat and it’s a fat-flushing accelerator.

“People see extraordinary change in their waistline when they increase their intake of lecithin.”

The problem is, around 90% of women and men today are deficient in this fat-burning compound…

Which is why so many people are walking around with congested bile that’s stopping them from ever losing more than a couple pounds…

It’s NOT because you’re lazy…

It’s NOT because you lack self-discipline…

And it’s NOT because you’re not trying hard enough…

I’ve never heard a weight loss or fitness “expert” talk about lecithin and yet it’s the KEY to thinning your bile and melting fat off your body no matter how old you are.

It’s better than a tummy tuck and the key to aging backwards.

If you don’t have enough hydrochloric acid (HCL) in your stomach, you’re not going to release bile, and you’re not going to be able to break down the food you eat.

In order for bile to be released in your body, your stomach acid needs to be between 1 and 3.

You need your stomach to be acidic to break down your food and absorb the vitamins and nutrients…

If you have weak stomach acids, that could be the reason you’re not releasing enough bile in the first place…

And that means your body may not be breaking down the fats, vitamins and nutrients from the food you eat…

Which are very important for your immune system, as well as the functioning of every organ, tissue and cell in your body.

The problem is, as we age, we lose our stomach acids…

They become more diluted, and low stomach acid can lead to bacteria overgrowth, bloating, gas and indigestion.

If you have a roll of fat at your waistline, your liver has stopped processing fat and begun storing it.

Only when you bring your liver back to full function – with the aid of betaine HCL – will you lose this fat.

That’s because, when you have clean, thin bile, your body naturally flushes out fat without the struggle…

And your entire body not only comes into balance, it begins to THRIVE…

However, I quickly realized that I couldn’t just go to the grocery store and buy all these nutrients…

It’s not like there are jars of choline and betaine in aisle 2, sitting on the shelf next to the peanut butter…

And Dr. Poole couldn’t afford to keep sending me these containers halfway across the world.

It felt like I hit another dead end just when I found something that actually worked for me…

Until I got a call from Matt.

He’s a nutritionist who I became friendly with over the years after trying so many different diets, and as we got to talking, he mentioned how he started working with nutrition manufacturers and suppliers to help his clients get better results.

I quickly got the three of us on the phone, and Dr. Poole agreed to source all the exclusive ingredients and send them to one of the most prestigious manufacturing facilities in the U.S., where Matt knew one of the executives.

It took them three months to carefully prepare Dr. Poole’s formula inside their FDA registered and GMP certified facility.

We weren’t about to cut corners, so everything had to be 100% clean, pure, and tested by a FDA regulator to ensure it was the highest quality possible.

We decided to put the mixture in capsules so it wouldn’t spoil no matter where it’s shipped all over the world…

And that way I could just take it in the morning with my multivitamin.

After two more weeks of detailed testing, the first batch was at my door.

I ripped the package open and took a capsule with a glass of water…

I still had over 35 pounds I wanted to lose and I prayed this would do the trick…

By the end of the day, my energy was way up…

I started to feel like I did back when I was on vacation in Australia…

The next morning, I woke up and noticed something different…

When I walked to the bathroom, my thighs weren’t rubbing together anymore.

I stepped on the scale and I had already lost another 1.7 pounds…

I could feel the inches melting off my thighs and belly…

Over the next few weeks, I lost another 21.2 pounds…

I started feeling so much more confident in my body

I was buying new clothes, new dresses and shopping at all these stylish stores because I could finally fit into their smaller, sexier clothes…

My hubby and I were spending more time in the bedroom, it was like when we first started dating back in our 20’s…

My skin was glowing, I was smiling from ear to ear, I just felt so much happier because I finally wasn’t carrying around so much extra weight…

When it was all said and done, I lost a total of 55 pounds…

And over 22 inches of raw, toxic fat from my belly, waist, and thighs.

Now I finally realize WHY my body was hanging on to so much fat for all these years…

And why it was always such a huge struggle to lose weight…

Instead of eating more salads…

And jumping from diet to diet…

What I should have been doing all along was fixing my bile…

That’s why nothing ever worked no matter how hard I tried…

It was like I was fighting this uphill battle that had no end in sight…

When the truth is, I was just focused on all the WRONG things…

And if you’re in the same boat as me…

Where you’ve been overweight for years and every diet plan has failed you…

I just want you to know…

How in the heck were you supposed to know about bile and how important it is?

It’s not like they teach this in school…

Not only is your body breaking down and burning more fat…

My hair started growing faster and was so much thicker…

My body aches disappeared…

I’m embarrassed to admit this…

But it used to be hard for me to get up out of my recliner in the living room, and now it’s a breeze….

I have so much more energy and stamina…

Before it would take me DAYS to cross off everything from my to-do list…

And now I’m usually done before noon…

Running errands, having my grandkids over after school on Fridays, making them snacks and dinner…

Playing tag in the backyard…

Taking them to the park across the street, pushing them on the swings, and going down the slide WITH them…

My hubby and I started going on bike rides again…

And I’m sleeping so much better…

I used to toss and turn all night long, heck…

I could barely fall asleep before midnight…

And now I’m sleeping 8 hours or more uninterrupted every single night like clockwork…

I wake up feeling refreshed…

Like I did when I was in nursing school, eager to make a difference in the world…

And my stress has basically disappeared.

For over twenty years I jumped from diet to diet…

And yet NONE of them mentioned anything about bile…

Which is why, it didn’t matter how many times I skipped breakfast…

Or how many salads I ate…

I even got so desperate, I started making cauliflower crust pizza…

I threw out all my flour, and started baking with almond flour and coconut flour instead…

I drank apple cider vinegar…

It’s just not going to work…

But when you release the brakes on your diet and on your life…

The weight starts coming off FAST…

As I got slimmer and thinner…

Everyone at work started asking what I was doing…

After all, I wasn’t just known as the “heavy one” in high school…

I was also the heaviest nurse BY FAR in our department…

And probably the heaviest woman in the entire hospital if I’m being honest…

So I started sharing it with everyone…

Even the cleaning crew who were there bright and early in the morning…

I started handing out containers of Dr. Poole’s formula from my first test batch.

Within weeks, all these women and men, who were in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and even some in their 70’s, were coming up to me like kids on Christmas morning…

Their energy at work was through the roof…

Most of them were consistently losing weight every single week…

The record was Amy in Outpatient Services who lost 48 pounds…

And they weren’t making drastic changes to their diet…

They weren’t exercising more…

And they weren’t cutting out carbs, bread or dessert…

That’s when I knew I had to get this into the hands of as many people as possible…

That’s when Matt, Dr. Poole and I got together and formed a plan…

Because after suffering for my entire adult life…

Having people stare at me the second I walked into a room…

My family silently judging me at every single holiday dinner…

The snickers and sneers behind my back…

Getting teased and made fun of as a teenager…

There is NO WAY I was going to keep this to myself…

I felt an obligation to share it with anyone who’s struggling like I was for so long…

Fortunately, I convinced Dr. Poole to share his secret formula with the world, which is why…

As I mentioned earlier, if you have a persistent roll of fat at your waistline…

It’s a clear sign your bile, the digestive liquid that breaks down fat, isn’t working right.

When it comes to reversing a slow metabolism and losing stubborn body fat, nothing is more important than bile.

Which is why you do NOT need to go on another diet…

You do NOT need to force yourself to join a gym or start running on the treadmill…

All you need to do is fix your bile…

Because it will start breaking down and burning off fat – like it was designed to do…

And the best way to clean up and thin out your thick, toxic, congested bile, is to give it the bile-boosting nutrients it so desperately NEEDS…

Which is why each container of SuperThin is packed with:

Choline – The #1 nutrient for better bile…

Taurine – Promotes increased bile production AND helps bile flush out dangerous chemicals and toxins from your system…

Lecithin – The “fat-flushing” accelerator, which is also the primary agent in clean bile…

This is THE foundation of thin, free-flowing bile and just like building a house, your foundation is EVERYTHING…

Betaine HCL – If you don’t have enough HCL in your stomach, you’re not going to release bile and you’re not going to be able to break down fat.

And remember, after 50 years old, your body produces less and less HCL every single year…

So without you even knowing, you’re absorbing less of the vitamins and nutrients from food…

You’re releasing less and less clean bile, which means…

Your body is going to struggle BIG TIME just to burn any fat, and…

It’s why so many people over 50 struggle to lose weight, and if they do, it’s like pulling teeth just to drop a few pounds…

It’s time to LET GO of the struggle…

It’s time to let your body THRIVE…

And it’s definitely time to get ALL the extra fat OFF your body

…so you can live a long, healthy life full of excitement, adventure and laughter…

Remember the studies I shared with you earlier in this letter…

The people with the largest waists were at the biggest risk for some horrifying health conditions, so…

I was finally able to do it for myself after being the “heavy sister” for my entire life, and…

Now I’m here to help you because I could have really used someone in my corner to help me.

Bile’s primary job is to break down and remove fat, and…

It can’t do that if it’s thick and sludgy like motor oil…

So the first thing you need to do is clean up and thin out your current bile…

That way, it can flow throughout your body

And start breaking down and flushing out the fat from your belly, hips, waist and thighs…

Once you start thinning out your thick, toxic bile…

The next step is for your body to produce more clean bile on a daily basis…

This way you always have new, clean, free-flowing bile on hand to do it’s main two jobs of breaking down fat…

When you start producing more clean bile…

It starts flushing out any old, toxic bile left in your system…

Until what you’re left with is nothing but free-flowing bile that’s breaking down fat each and every day.

Most people start seeing and feeling results within the first 24 hours, however…

What’s really powerful is when you’re consistently waking up 1, 2, even 3 pounds lighter from the night before…

All because your body is now breaking down and burning off more fat than ever before…

It’s just what naturally happens when you fix your bile…

Your fat-burning hormones start working again like they’re supposed to…

Your cravings and hunger pangs start to diminish…

And you have so much more energy, you feel like you can take on the world…

Which results in more fat loss…

And it happens so much faster than following a strict diet or exercise program…

…because you’re addressing the root problem that causes the fat to pile on in the first place…

Everything else is like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound…

But when you fix your body from the inside out…

That’s when the REAL change starts to happen…

So many people are walking around with bile that moves like molasses, in fact…

Everyone I know who has clean, free-flowing bile is slim and thin…

And for over thirty years, after being on almost every single fad diet known to man…

…I NEVER heard the word “bile” once…

No one ever talked about it…

So it’s not surprising that the weight loss industry is raking in BILLIONS of dollars every single year…

And yet over 70% of Americans are obese or overweight…

It’s because all these fad diets aren’t addressing the ROOT problem…

It’s all about eating less…

Counting your calories…

Buying organic foods that cost an arm and a leg…

Whatever they can do to make you feel like YOU are the problem, when the truth is…

You’re out here TRYING to lose the weight…

But THEY failed YOU because they didn’t tell you about the most important thing when it comes to fast and long-lasting fat loss…

Every weight loss program out there actually failed YOU…

Look, you can hop right back on the fad diet train if you want…

I’m sure someone’s coming up with the latest and greatest fad right now as we speak…

And there will be another one next week…

And the week after that…

You can start exercising…

You can get more steps in…

You can join a gym and get locked into their monthly rate which is virtually impossible to cancel…

But if that didn’t work for you before…

Why would it work for you now?

Especially with everything you’ve learned from reading this letter…

Now, you know more than 99% of the people out there when it comes to fast and long-lasting fat loss…

But what you do with this information is completely up to you…

Because the real truth is…

Luckily, I’m not talking about waking up at the crack of dawn to run five miles every morning…

I’m not talking about cutting out carbs, ice cream, cookies, pizza or pasta…

And I’m definitely not talking about eating more veggies, salads and kale smoothies…

Nope, all you gotta do is thin out your bile, so it can do the job God intended it to…

You can forget about everything else…

Because bile breaks down fat, which means…

It’s as simple as that…

Because clean, high-quality bile breaks down fat all day every day…

So if you have fat building up around your belly, your hips, your butt or your thighs…

Then something is wrong…

And the time to fix it is now…

Because time is the only thing you can never get back…

It took me having grandchildren, and realizing I couldn’t even bend down and pick them up…

That’s when I knew I HAD to make a change…

I didn’t rest until I found WHY I was overweight for my entire adult life, no matter what I tried…

And now it’s my mission to help YOU…

So you don’t have to struggle for so long like I did…

Once I started sharing SuperThin with my friends and family, they started slimming down faster than ever…

Word quickly started to spread in our small Kansas community…

We sold out of our first shipment within just 72 hours…

Because once they realized how fast it was working…

They came back and ordered 6-10 bottles at a time…

So they could keep burning fat for the rest of the year without the risk of running out…

Because there’s nothing worse than finally seeing fast results, only to run out and have to wait three months until we get our next shipment in…

And trust me, once those first 20 pounds come off easier than ever…

You’re going to feel like you’re on top of the world…

Your motivation shoots through the roof…

You have this endless amount of energy…

I felt like the Energizer Bunny, and I was someone who always needed to take a nap after work…

And the smile that spreads across your face, when your clothes start to feel loose, is something that you’ll NEVER forget…

I was out shopping for smaller jeans just five days later…

I was going to Macy’s, Lululemon, Fabletics, and Eileen Fischer…

Places I could never shop before because none of the cute clothes fit me…

However, since people were slimming down so quickly…

They were getting such amazing results for the first time in their lives, they wanted to make sure they had enough to last until the end of the year…

And since things haven’t slowed down since, we’re constantly at risk of running out of stock…

It’s not like we’re some big corporation with bottomless pockets…

And we don’t have huge warehouses to store our inventory we’re just a mom and pop shop out here actually trying to help people, which means…

We simply can’t afford to keep thousands of bottles of SuperThin on hand at all times, it’s simply too expensive…

This is a true “customer first” operation because I desperately want to help people who are in the same place that I was…

Maybe it’s the ER nurse in me, but I want to help everyone…

However, it does take up to three months to get our new shipments in…

And since we’re NEVER going to cut corners…

All the low priced knockoffs don’t do ANYTHING to actually help you slim down and lose weight…

Which is why I made a vow to only use the highest quality ingredients possible…

Each bottle of SuperThin is:

Manufactured in a CGMP facility approved of by the FDA

Clinically validated by research-based doses

Third party tested for quality assurance

Manufactured using a unique “clean filtering” process to preserve the nutrients in each dose so they never become contaminated

Made with 100% pure plant extracts

There are no cutting corners or pinching pennies…

Because the most important thing is that YOU get the results you desire, and…

You’re not going to get that with cheap, low-quality ingredients that you find at the local grocery store or on Amazon…

However, since I’m not willing to cut corners, we can only produce a certain number of bottles at a time…

This is backed by all the clinical research…

Within the first 24 hours, you’re going to start feeling a difference…

After the first week, your weight should begin to drop and your energy will increase…

After the first month, you’ll be out shopping for smaller jeans…

After two months, you’ll be getting all kinds of compliments from other people…

“Hey! Have you been losing weight?”

“Is that really you?!”

“You look amazing! What have you been doing?”

Of course you’ll be slimmer, thinner and skinnier…

But to me, it was all the little things that made the biggest difference…

I started participating in more activities without anxiety or wondering what other people thought of me…

My sleep improved dramatically…

I went from waking up five times a night to sleeping all the way through and waking up refreshed…

I had fewer joint and body pains…

My husband and I started going on more trips because traveling was so much easier…

To me, that’s the secret that no one talks about…

Getting on and off airplanes, fitting in the seat comfortably, being able to walk through an airport, getting in and out of Ubers and taxis…

It was all a breeze when traveling used to be a nightmare for me…

I don’t worry about fitting in a booth at a restaurant…

Or obsessing over what to order…

And when the weight starts coming off for YOU, I want to make sure you’re set up for success.

But that really is the bare minimum if you’re serious about transforming your body

Because you don’t want to lose the weight and then put it right back on like I did so many times…

You want to keep it off for good this time…

You want clean, free-flowing bile for the rest of your life…

Just like people don’t take multi-vitamins for a week and then call it a day…

You don’t want your bile to go back to the toxic sludge that made the fat pile on in the first place…

And since we’re talking about just 30-seconds a day to thin out and slim down…

It’s something you can easily do without even thinking about it month after month…

Heck, it’s just part of my normal routine now…

It’s just second nature…

I have my multi-vitamin and SuperThin right before my cup of coffee in the morning, I don’t even think twice about it anymore…

Because my health is my top priority and I’m NEVER going back to the person I once was, after all…

My cravings and hunger pangs have finally gone away…

I feel like I have full control over my body

I don’t get the urge to eat late at night like I used to…

I’m thinner than I’ve ever been…

I saw 131 on the scale for the first time since I was a teenager…

So there’s no way I’m ever going back to the “old me”…

This bile-thinning routine is part of the “new me”…

No more stalls or plateau’s…

No more watching the scale go up month after month…

You want to make this a long term change because it’s so simple and so easy, it’s virtually impossible to fail..

I’m here to help you get slim and healthy long term, which is why…

After all, when he started using it with his personal clients, they were getting results that his meal plans and workout programs simply couldn’t compete with…

And he knew that people would pay a premium for ultra-fast results…

However, I’m not doing this to get rich…

Instead, I decided to cut the price in half because you took the time to read this letter…

Which means I know you’re serious about making a change…

That’s less than a meal out with the entire family these days…

And because our three and six month supply are our most popular…

While delivering the best and longest lasting results…

We decided to give you an even larger discount…

There’s also a discount on the three month supply as well…

It’s not quite as big as the six month supply, but the savings are still substantial…

That way, if you lose 15 pounds in the first month and run out, you don’t have to wait three months to get your next order in…

You’ll be able to consistently lose weight month after month without having to wait…

And don’t worry, whichever package you choose…

You will NOT be billed again unless you place another order.

This isn’t a monthly membership or subscription program.

Just know, you have to act fast, because since this letter has gone public, our orders have TRIPLED…

And I can’t guarantee these discounts will still be available if you leave and decide to come back later.

Once you place your order, your shipment of SuperThin will be on its way…

It usually takes 3-10 business days for it to arrive…

You’ll also receive an email confirmation from us…

Along with how you can get in touch with our support team, if you have any questions going forward…

And please don’t hesitate to ever reach out…

Because we’re here to support you every step of the way.

I want to make sure you get the absolute BEST results possible…

And so I’m giving you everything you could possibly need to slim down in record time…

Because I want you to get the weight off as fast as possible…

I’m all about FAST results because it builds your momentum…

Like a toddler who takes their first few steps, and before you know it, they’re walking around faster than ever…

And once those first 10, 15, even 20 or more pounds come off faster than you ever imagined…

Then it’s only a matter of time until you’re looking in the mirror with a smile from ear to ear…

Earlier I told you about the “grapefruit hack”, and…

How in a recent study, volunteers who did the simple hack daily lost FIVE times more weight than those who didn’t, well…

I took all of that and put it into an easy 7-day protocol that ANYONE can do…

This can double or even triple your results in just the first week, and…

This is NOT about eating a bunch of grapefruit every day…

In this 7-day protocol, you’re still going to eat REAL food…

It’s not a starvation diet or anything like that…

It’s simply using a few tips and tricks that others have used to drop five times more weight than those who don’t use it…

Trust me, it’s VERY powerful and VERY simple to do…

And barely anyone else knows about it…

I LOVE that feeling and so when you place your order for SuperThin today…

You’ll get instant access to the 7-Day Grapefruit Diet…

You could be down a pound or two by tomorrow just from following this simple protocol…

I LOVE getting emails from people who lost 3, 7, even 10 pounds or more while their SuperThin was being shipped to them.

That’s how fast and powerful this protocol is…

You can start it as early as TODAY to start burning a lot of fat, however…

It’s not available anywhere else…

And I can’t promise we’ll still be giving it away for free if you leave this page and try to come back tomorrow…

So if you want to get it FREE of charge…

Go ahead and place your order right now…

While this free bonus is still available.

When I was on my weight loss journey, my neighbor Molly decided to join me…

She had 50lbs she wanted to lose, and…

One morning I went over to her house…

And she was right in the middle of making a smoothie…

I remember telling her that smoothies never worked for me…

I’d drink them for days, even weeks at a time and my weight never budged…

It turns out, she took the “grapefruit hack” and applied it to her morning smoothie…

When she gave me a sip, it tasted INCREDIBLE…

It sure beat the kale and spinach smoothies I was used to…

And when winter hit that year, when most people are in “hibernation mode” and gain weight, she not only reached her 50 pound weight loss goal…

She lost another 17 pounds on top of it.

That’s why we put together an entire recipe book of “grapefruit smoothies” that slimmed her down faster than anything she’d ever tried before.

To this day, she never thought she’d lose so much weight at 62 years old.

I cringe when I think of all the diets I went on, where 2, 3, even 4 weeks would pass and I wouldn’t lose a SINGLE pound…

I’m a loyal person and I didn’t want to feel like a failure, so I stuck with these diets longer than I should have, however…

It made it crystal clear to me that when you don’t fix your bile first…

It doesn’t matter how few calories you eat or how many veggies you load onto your plate…

That’s why I put together this 1-day rapid fat-shredding protocol…

So you can start getting the weight off TODAY.

Along with the other two free bonuses, this is a digital program, which means you’ll have instant access to it immediately after you place your order for SuperThin today.

Just remember, I can’t promise these free bonuses will be available if you leave and try to come back later…

So go ahead and get them now while you still can…

Or risk missing out forever.

One of my personal mottos is that you shouldn’t have to pay for something that doesn’t work…

And that’s why I’m going to put my money where my mouth is…

If for whatever reason you don’t get the results you want with SuperThin and the free bonuses…

Just let me know and we’ll refund your entire purchase with no questions asked…

That way you can try it out for a full two months…

And if at any step along the way you’re not completely satisfied…

Then you don’t pay a single penny.

Our time together is almost over…

And going forward you really only have two options…

First, you can take everything you learned here today and try to apply it yourself…

You can do all your own research…

You can read all the studies, books, and online articles about how to thin out your bile…

You can spend months trying to find all the nutrients…

In the exact right quantities…

You can go to all your local grocery stores and health food stores…

Spending your hard earned money trying to find exactly what works right for you…

However, that’s going to take a lot of time…

Life is going to get in the way like it always does…

And I’d hate to see you three, six, even twelve months down the road still being unhappy about your weight.

Again, if you LOVE your body, if you LOVE how much you weigh right now, and you’re able to physically do everything you want to do, then please keep doing what you’re doing, it’s obviously working for you.

Then I don’t want to see you six months from now still struggling without any real answers.

At some point we all have to face reality and ask ourself the tough question…

What happens if I never lose the weight?

Am I ok living like this for the rest of my life?

Listen, I’m a very prideful person, however it wasn’t until I got some help that things started to finally change for me.

Option #2 is you can let me do all the hard work for you…

Simply use this proven bile-thinning formula that will get your body breaking down fat again…

And when your body starts breaking down fat, it naturally starts burning it off…

This happens ALL DAY long…

When you’re in your car…

When you’re spending time with your family and friends…

When you’re watching a movie…

When you’re sleeping…

Breaking down fat and removing toxins around the clock…

Which is why so many people wake up the first morning down 1, 2, even 3 quick pounds…

And then it just builds from there like a well-oiled machine…

It’s a VERY simple formula…

Step #1: Thin out your bile

Step #2: Your bile starts breaking down fat and flushing out toxins

Step #3: YOU finally get results

Or you can try doing keto with thick toxic bile…

Or the Mediterranean diet…

The results are always the same because if your body can’t break down fat it can’t burn it off.

And if it can’t burn it off, it stays stuck to your belly hips and thighs…

Like a house built on a shaky foundation, trying to lose weight with congested bile is going to be a constant struggle…

Luckily, you can fix this in less than 30 seconds a day…

Like a mechanic changing your car’s oil and giving it a new battery…

This is your new lease on life…

You can either decide to fix it now…

Or wait til things get even worse, which they will…

And then it will be harder to fix, more expensive and it will take so much longer…

However, if you’re ready for a change…

If you’re ready to put yourself and your health first, because if you’re anything like me, you’ve put everyone else’s needs ahead of your own for way too long…

Then my team and I are here, ready to support you every step of the way.

SuperThin is the world’s best bile-thinning formula. Bile is the digestive liquid that breaks down fat in the body, while also removing dangerous toxins.

According to recent research, 80% of women and men over 40 have thick, toxic bile that leaves you feeling fat, foggy and fatigued.

However, when you start thinning out your bile, it starts breaking down fat, and YOU start losing weight.

SuperThin is comprised of four unique plant extracts that help thin out your thick bile, while also helping you make NEW, clean bile going forward. These bile-thinning supernutrients are choline, betaine HCL, lecithin and taurine.

Everyone is different, however, on average most women and men see positive results within the first 24-72 hours.

Whether that’s losing those first 5 pounds, losing inches off your waist, having more energy, or just feeling lighter overall.

As with anything, the longer you do it, the better results you’ll receive. When you stick with it for 30 days, you’ll start looking and feeling like a whole new person.

Within 3 months, your friends may not even recognize you.

And within 6 months, people talk about being a whole new person, who looks, feels and moves like someone half their age.

If you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to ever work for you, then there’s clearly something going on behind the scenes that’s slowing things down.

And if you have a persistent roll of fat around your waistline, like I did for over twenty years, then it’s a clear sign your bile isn’t working right.

If it’s hard for you to lose weight, if you’re sick and tired of going on diets and never seeing results, if you’ve tried exercising or if you simply don’t want to exercise, then SuperThin is likely the missing piece for you.

Simply choose the package you’d like below. Once you’ve done that, click the Add to Order button.

You’ll be taken to our 100% secure order form. Once you’ve filled that out, your shipment will be on it’s way.

It usually takes 3-5 business days to arrive, depending on your location.

And you’ll receive instant access to all the free bonuses, including the 7-Day Grapefruit Diet, the Grapefruit Super-Slimming Smoothie Recipes, and the 1-Day Super-Shred protocol.

You’ll also receive an email with our customer service contact information. That way you can track your order. And you can reach out to us if you have any questions at all.

Remember, I’m here to help you. So please don’t hesitate to reach out.

If for whatever reason you’re unsatisfied with SuperThin and all the free bonuses…

Simply contact our customer service team and we’ll give you a full and prompt refund with no questions asked.

Yes. Gluten free. Soy free. Dairy Free. GMO free. No MSG.

It’s hard for me to admit, but I’m in my later stages in life, and SuperThin worked when nothing else would.

And since then, it’s worked for people in their 30’s, and 40’s, all the way up to people in their 70’s and 80’s…

Bile doesn’t care about your age, it’s job is to break down fat, whether you’re 41 years old or 82 years young.

Honestly, the discounts aren’t guaranteed past today.

As we roll out our first large batch of SuperThin, we want to give you the absolute best deal possible.

But we won’t be able to do this forever.

Especially with our suppliers and inventory specialists breathing down my neck.

So please take advantage of the discounted rates while you still can.

Because I can’t promise they’ll be available if you close out of this page and try to come back later.

Simply choose the option that best fits you…

And I’ll be waiting on the inside to help you the best I can…

…while your first shipment of SuperThin is on the way.

© 2024, | All Rights Reserved.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. The Website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this Website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this Website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

Click here to get SuperThin at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

SuperThin is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.