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According to the current divorce rate statistics,
50% of
all marriages end in divorce.  


to most predictions, your marriage has only a 50-50 chance
of not ending in divorce.

If you’re like most wives, you probably do NOT worry so much
about whether you’ll stay married to your husband or
eventually get divorced.  Instead, you care more about
whether you and your husband have a fulfilling
and blissful marriage, right?

After all, what good is avoiding divorce and staying
together if your marriage is miserable — or leaves
a lot to be desired?

What I’ve found in my 17 years as a relationship expert that most wives struggle in their
relationships with their husbands — even when their
husbands think everything’s “fine” with their marriage.  How
about you?  Which of the following do you find yourself
wondering about? 
Check all that apply. 
↓ ↓ ↓ 

he still love me?
isn’t he as attentive to me as he used to
I less desirable to him than before?
he seeing another woman?
can’t I get him to open up about his feelings and get him to
“just talk” to me?
isn’t he as thoughtful and romantic as I’d
like him to be?
can I rekindle the passion in our marriage?

Why does he seem
indifferent and uncaring
when I tell him about my problems?

Why doesn’t he want
to listen when I share my feelings with him?
Will our marriage last?

If you’re like most
wives, you’re probably tired of trying to
turn your spouse into a better husband …..
     …..tired of trying to fix the problems in your
marriage …
          ….. tired of reading self-help books
               ….. tired of listening to advice from
countless friends
                    ….. and tired of maybe even seeking
the help of therapists
                              and getting little or
no results.

fact that you’re tired tells me you’re ready for your
marriage to improve — and your being tired is also
essential in order for you to seize your power
to change your marriage into the wonderful, fulfilling one
you’ve always envisioned.

Power to Direct the Course of Your Marriage is in Your

By virtue of simply being your husband’s wife
— the woman he chose to marry — you have
at your disposal the power to get inside his head, gain
access to his heart and
become totally
irresistible to him.  That’s a little-known secret
that most wives don’t know.  Getting your husband to
worship the ground you walk on is so much easier
than you might imagine.

Whether your husband admits to it or not, he
wants you to gain access to his heart, discover
his desires, needs, secrets and fears – without him having
to tell you to do so.  But once you do discover that
secret passageway, he’ll be completely
captivated and be rendered powerless by you. 
He won’t even know what hit him!

When you learn how to use this power properly, your
husband can’t help but …

the next 5 minutes, as you read this article in its
entirety, you will discover ways to use your power
that you’ve never learned elsewhere before.  You’ll finally
realize the virtually effortless way to
become irresistible to your husband, influence him
dramatically — whether he wants to be influenced or not
— transform him into your ideal husband, and make your
marriage the happy and blissful one you’ve always wanted.


How Diana Seduced Her Husband with Words
and Made Him a Virtual Slave to Her Wishes

A client (whom I will
call Diana to protect her privacy) came to consult
with me last year.  She had been married to her
husband, Brad, for 5 years — and she had become frustrated
that her marriage was “stuck.”  She feared that things
between Brad and her were never going to get better,
and that her marriage would continue to erode.

     Diana had a very successful job in the corporate
world.  Because of her effective communications skills
in her professional life, she used the same
professional and polite way of speaking
to her husband, thinking it would be effective.  In
addition, Diana had been raised to believe that both
spouses in a marriage are completely equal.

     The result?  A boring marriage
that lacked any spark of passion — except when they

     I asked Diana to consider the idea that
what her husband really desired was not a wife
who’s his equal, but his complement. 
She took my advice and began to speak to him in a way
that made him want to listen to her (see
page 32 of
What Husbands
Can’t Resist).  She also stopped
competing with him — but instead treated him in ways
captivated his heart.

Several months ago, Diana mentioned to Brad that she
was tired of working, and that she wanted to stay home
and take care of the children and him.  Because
the strategies I taught her had enabled her to
weave herself into her husband’s heart and
make him emotionally dependent on her
(see page 81),
poor Brad never stood a chance.  He was
powerless to deny Diana what she desired.  He
didn’t quite know how he would find a
better-paying job to replace their dual income —
and he didn’t even know if he could — but he
couldn’t bear the thought of disappointing Diana. 

     Diana had learned how to seduce
him with her words, discovered a brand
new way of looking at him and responding to
his advances (see page 39)
that now, Brad was virtually a slave to her
wishes.  He wanted to please her at all

     It took 4 months, but Brad finally found a job
that paid him enough to allow his wife to be a
stay-at-home mom.  Even though Brad knew Diana had
gotten her way, he had been perfectly willing
and happy to give her what she

Wanna Build a Better Husband?  Be a Better

name is Bob Grant.  I’m a Professional Life Coach, #1 Amazon best selling author with 19 years of
successfully working with singles and couples in my private practice. practice.

People call me “The Relationship Doctor” because I have the
for finding love, keeping passion alive, and reigniting
relationships that have lost their spark. 

In my practice, I find that it is usually the wives
— not the husbands — who take an active role in
improving their marriage.  When married couples seek my
counseling advice, 99% of the time it was the wife’s idea. 


generally don’t do things unless they
absolutely have to.  They’ll often deny that
there’s anything wrong with their marriage in the
first place.

So what’s a wife like YOU
to do if it’s only you who are willing to work on
your marriage — and your husband doesn’t particularly care
to cooperate?

I’m here to tell you that you CAN create the changes
necessary to improve your marriage — with or
without your husband’s cooperation, .  As I always tell
my clients, “If just one spouse in the
marriage makes changes, those changes cannot help but affect
the other spouse.”

This brings us to the challenge most wives face when trying
to make changes in their marriage.  They usually think
the changes that need to be made are in their husbands,
not themselves.  In fact, the common denominator I’ve
seen in most wives trying to improve their marriage is

She wishes she could
change her husband — and make him a better man. 
Then maybe their marriage would become happier and
more fulfilling.

Wives seldom
realize that when they become a better wife, they
cause their husband to want to be a better
husband and a better man. 

The person
who can influence a husband the most is his wife.

But exactly how do you become a better wife?

Many marital problems persist because wives do NOT have the
right concept of how to become a better
wife.  Being a better wife entails much more than being
accommodating to your husband when it comes to sex … more
than looking pretty … more than cooking good meals,
keeping a house in order and laundering his clothes.

If you’re finding it hard to believe you can actually make
amazing things happen in your marriage, let me explain a
little bit more.

Becoming a better wife is as easy as learning a few powerful
strategies, making a slight attitude adjustment
as far as your marriage is concerned, discovering a more
effective way to behave during conflicts,
and knowing the ideal treatment of your husband
so that you’ll get the best of him.

In a hurry? Click here to make your marriage sizzle and become totally irresistible to your husband today!

The Unconscious Phenomenon
That Gives You the Power to Create a Wonderful
Marriage and Make Your Husband a Better Man

unconscious mind plays a vital role in why
a man chooses a particular woman to be his mate.  Without
going into psychological intricacies, suffice it to say
that the reason your
husband picked you to be his wife is intimately
connected to issues, experiences and perceptions he
developed at a younger age.  The reason he chose you
— and not some other woman — is something that is
deeply embedded in his subconscious (see pages
16-17 of
What Husbands Can’t Resist). 
That’s why it is NOT as easy as it might seem for your
husband to fall out of love with you

Having said that, you can now begin to understand why you,
as his wife, have
the power to shape
and alter him the way you please.  Your
husband is more ready to yield to YOU than anyone else.  You
have the power to be the most wonderful person in his life
— one who could make him the best man he could be.  But you
also have the power to be the most dangerous
person who could cause him more pain than anyone can,
deprive him of pleasure, expose his weaknesses and make his
life miserable.

With this kind of influence, the only question left to
answer is: 

Can you handle this much power over your

If your
answer is yes, read on and I’ll show you exactly how to
harness that power and use it to dramatically improve your
marriage and transform your husband into the ideal
husband he could be.


How Corinne Made Her Husband Dedicated to
Giving Her Everything She Wants

Corinne and her husband, Roger, came to me for
counseling not too long ago.  Roger told me that
Corinne just didn’t understand him.  He had told her
many times he only required 2 things for him to be
happy in their marriage:  The first one was that he
didn’t like to argue with her, and the second
was that he wanted to have more sex. 
Those things, to him, were simple enough — and no
different from what other men require of their wives. 

     Corinne felt hurt and offended because all Roger
cared about was for his needs to be met.  “What
about my needs?” she lamented.  For years, she felt
shortchanged by Roger’s seeming lack of concern for
her — and whenever she talked to him about it, he
refused to discuss it.  That made Corinne feel even
more lonely and alienated. 

     When I first told Corinne about the power a wife
can wield by first creating emotionally
dependency in her husband before
requesting something of him, she was appalled by the
suggestion.  The very idea seemed manipulative and
childish to her.  That was until I pointed out that
her husband actually WANTED to be emotionally
dependent on her.

     She followed my advice and stopped arguing with
Roger, which was hard for her in the beginning, but
she quickly got the hang of it.  It wasn’t until she
stopped arguing with him that she realized that
arguing was an exercise in futility — and
that there was
a more
effective strategy to get what she wanted
(see page 13). 
A strategy that did not involve nagging,
coercion, crying or begging.  Additionally, Corinne
finally realized what I had been telling her all along
— that a husband’s need for sex goes beyond
just physical gratification, and that sex
actually meant something to Roger’s soul and
his wholeness.  She never knew until then how
much Roger depended on her to make him feel
complete.  When she got into the practice
of rewarding his attentiveness with her approval, he
began to count on her smile, her soft words and her
responsiveness to his sexual advances.

As Roger’s emotional dependence on Corinne grew, he
became increasingly devoted and
attentive to her needs — and did
everything in his power to make sure he did NOT offend
his beloved wife in any way.  He began to put Corinne
on a virtual pedestal and practically worshipped the
ground she walked on.  After a couple of months,
whenever Corinne as much as threw one disapproving
glance in Roger’s direction, he would cower and
apologize immediately for whatever he said or did.

     The last time I spoke to Corinne, her marriage to
Roger had become the happy and fulfilling one she had
envisioned for herself.  Her last words to me were,
“My only difficulty in my marriage now is not
knowing what to do with all the newfound power
I have over Roger!”

In a hurry? 
Click here to make your
marriage sizzle and become totally irresistible to your
husband today! 

WARNING:  Use These Powerful Strategies Only as
Directed.  Over-Use Could Make You Too Irresistible
to Your Husband.

sure that by now, you’ve already guessed that husbands are
really submissive, tamable
and moldable creatures — underneath the
facade of the aggressive hunters, invaders and
conquerors that they like to portray themselves as. 

Because I’m not only a therapist, counselor and relationship
consultant — but also a husband myself — I can attest to
the fact that a husband’s power in a marriage pales by
comparison to the
mind-boggling power
of his wife!

Quite frankly, it is ridiculously easy for a wife to tame
and mold her husband and make him submit to her wishes — if
she knows the secret to getting inside his head and gaining
access to his heart. 

To this end, I have come up with a blueprint for
making your marriage sizzle and
transforming yourself into the woman your husband will want
to marry all over again.  I created this blueprint from
the feedback of hundreds of my real-life female clients —
and from time-tested strategies and
techniques I’ve developed over the years.  When
properly implemented, these powerful strategies are most
difficult for your husband to resist!  I’ve
compiled the strategies into . . .
  ↓ ↓ ↓ 

The Book Your Husband Wants You to Read!

Earlier on, I said that whether your husband
admits to it or not, he WANTS you to gain access to his
heart, discover his desires, needs and secrets  but
he doesn’t want to have to tell you to do so. 
That’s because your husband is ill-equipped to tell
you what he wants without appearing like an
insensitive, selfish, uncaring bastard to you.  Neither does
he know the psychological reasons why he
thinks, speaks or behaves the way he does — let alone
teach you how to behave towards him!

I’ve taken it upon myself to speak on behalf of all husbands
everywhere.  I’ve written the e-book that your husband would
write just for you, if he knew how.  This e-book is
guaranteed to make your marriage more blissful — and
dramatically improve the relationship between your husband
and you.  The title of this e-book is What
Husbands Can’t Resist —
Powerful Insights That Will Make Him Want to Marry You All
Over Again. 

Deep in your heart, isn’t this what you (and every wife)
wishes — to be the center of your husband’s
attention, to always be captivating
to him, and to have him constantly validate your
desirability and beauty?  And the other
wish I know you and every wife has is to see your
husband reach his full potential. 

That’s because
more often than not, wives see in their husbands more
potential for greatness than the husbands see in
themselves.  I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “A man
marries a woman, hoping she will never change — and
a woman marries a man, hoping he will change … for
the better.”

Well, be careful what you hope for — because you’re about
to get it!

When you get your hands on
What Husbands Can’t Resist,
you’ll have both your wishes granted — and then
some!  Your husband will not only fall hopelessly in love
with you again, but you’ll also be the catalyst
for making him the man you always thought he could be.  I
have plenty of case studies to prove that what I say is

Best of all, you’ll turn your husband into a man who’s
dedicated to making you happy.  What could be better
than that?

Please don’t confuse this e-book with all the other how-to
books on improving your marriage, which dispense the
same old run-of-the-mill advice.  The powerful
strategies in this e-book are largely
and may even be contrary to everything else you’ve
learned about marriage and relationships.  But I guarantee
that they work — as evidenced by hundreds of my
female clients who have created marital bliss and built
successful marriages for themselves.
Here’s a sneak peek at some of the priceless nuggets
contained in the book:

Art of Getting Your Husband to Do the Things You Want
Him to Do —  When you master this
art, you’ll not only get him to obey your
wishes (whether it’s putting his dirty socks
in the laundry basket or getting a better-paying job)
and he’d be willing and happy to do all
that you ask of him. (see page

How to reignite one of your husband’s biggest
turn-ons – Most women seldom  realize this,
and therefore miss out on an opportunity to
capture their husband’s attention
(see pages 10-11)

absolute best way to make a dramatic
improvement in your marriage instantly — this
is the recipe for joy in any
marriage.  When your __________ exceeds what you
_____________, you will experience joy —
guaranteed.  (see page 56)

crucial ingredient that is often
missing in communications between husbands and
wives – How to apply this ingredient into any marital
conflict, dispute or disagreement to arrive at a fair
resolution that is mutually beneficial
(see page 76)

Why submission
to your husband (i.e., selective yielding of
power to him versus surrendering
complete control to him) is one of the most
powerful strategies for making your husband
more emotionally dependent on you, more attentive to
your needs, and dedicated to your happiness
(see page 81)

How to identify your husband’s
primary fear (yes, all husbands have
one) — When you identify this fear that drives a
large part of his behavior — and you’re able to
handle it appropriately, you’ll literally

own his heart.  This is the key
to making your husband closer and more loyal to you in
ways you can’t even imagine — and in his eyes, there
will be no other woman more perfect for him
than you.  (see page 21)

one thing you can do in a split
second to make your husband feel like he’s married
the woman of his dreams (see
page 29)

SEX really means to a husband (yes, it does go
beyond just physical gratification) – and how
sex can make a man cherish,
adore and protect you the
way a man takes care of a prized object of
desire (see pages


highest compliment you can give your
husband – and no, it’s not praising his
physical appearance, which only works on women,
not men (see page 44)

of saying, “I need to talk,” here are two
sentences you can say to him that are
guaranteed to get you his undivided
attention for a few minutes.  These sentences will
NOT get his guard up or scare him off in fear you’re
going to talk endlessly and overwhelm him with words
or emotions (see page 63)

Once a man is married, he is incapable of romance. 
How you can rekindle the fire of
romance in your marriage by cranking up your
feminine mystique — and causing your husband
to become a more romantic guy than you ever thought
possible! (see
page 54)

seemingly harmless things wives do that make
their husbands feel stripped of their manhood
and, therefore, more tempted to run to the arms of
another woman (see page 12)

to make your husband feel powerful so
that he’ll always want to be with you (see
page 29)

learning the proper way to handle conflict with your
husband is the ultimate secret to
giving him
his greatest
need – and thus making him want to
give you all that you need
(see page 


is the most sensitive organ on a man
during sex?  No, it’s not that obvious
organ.  Neither is it his skin.  (That’s only true for
women – but not for men.)  There is another
organ that is far more susceptible to arousal during
lovemaking.  When you discover the right way to arouse
this, his desire for you will skyrocket –
and he’ll want to please you even more. 
(see page 43)

you should NEVER give your husband advice – unless he
begs you to
(see page 47)

to make your husband willing to listen to you
and try practically anything you suggest
(see page 32)

your husband’s seemingly indifferent regard
for your problems or your pain does NOT mean he
doesn’t care about you.  The secret behind this
bizarre behavior of husbands that
wives often misunderstand  (see
page 49)

pervasive killer of romance in a
marriage – If you and your husband keep doing this
common activity, you can bet the romance you
crave will always be lacking
(see page 57)

to enable your husband to experience the kind of
contentment that he so desperately
craves, and help him to be more fulfilled
(see page 46)

The 15
words you can say to your husband 

when you’re lonely and need reassurance — These words
will get you the positive and
supportive response you want from him every
time (see page 9)

Why does it hurt your husband when
you lose pride in your appearance?  You’ll
never believe the answer to this — and it’s
not what you think! (see
page 11)

simple exercise that motivates your husband to do
things that set your heart on fire
and make him a more romantic husband in your eyes. 
Husbands love this exercise because they won’t have to
read your mind or resort to guesswork
to know exactly how to please you (see
pages 59-60)

word-for-word speech you can give
your husband when you need him to just listen
to you talk about your feelings and not
have him try to fix your problem.  When you give this
speech enough times, you train him to be a
more empathetic person without making him feel
worthless for not being able to fix things for you.
(see page 52)

What is the real reason your husband married
you?  The reason is often quite different from the
reasons he thinks he married you. 
It’s not just because you’re pretty, or you’re his
type, or you have a wonderful personality.  Discover
the unconscious reason why — of all
the women in the world — he chose to marry you,
and how you can use this discovery to create
an enduring marriage.
(see pages 16-17)

your husband’s moods, or occasional lack of affection,
rarely indicate that he doesn’t love you anymore – or
that his love for you has diminished.  If your
husband’s love does not SEEM as intense as it used to
be when you were dating, here’s why.  
(see page 10)

things a wife does that makes her husband stop trying
to please her altogether.  Are you doing these
things?  (see page 8)


most husbands, 
the thought of failing at marriage is
excruciatingly painful.  One husband
expressed this fear to me as follows:  “Why even
try and make your

wife happy, when nothing seems to work?”

No. 1 mistake wives make during
lovemaking that rob their husbands of libido, and make
them feel inadequate, or even impotent
– and the delicious gift of arousal
you can give him during sex that will make him more
attentive to you even outside the bedroom
(see page 44)

Why it seems odd to your husband that
you actually need reassurance of his love for you (see
page 7)

becoming your husband’s “cheerleader” can melt the
cold and guarded part of his heart — This is also 

one of the best things you could do to keep his
passion for you from waning.  (see
page 23)

Why excessive reliance on your feminine assets (such
as nurturance, sensitivity, and  being in touch with
your feelings) – makes you misjudge your
husband’s actions and fault him for things he
doesn’t deserve  (see page 8)

Why you don’t need to be
perfect — just authentic and true to yourself — in
order to help your husband become a better man, 
overcome things from his past, and outgrow some of his
childhood coping skills (see
page 20)

Why your physical appearance – and your ability to
take care of yourself – has a lot to do with your
husband’s level of self-esteem
(see pages 27-29)

Why losing weight, wearing more attractive clothing,
and putting on more make-up is rarely the kind
of physical improvement your husband really needs to
see in you to regard you highly
(see page 27)

How something as seemingly harmless as the
tone of your voice can lead to the gradual
erosion of your marriage – whether you realize it or
not (see page 30)

husband needs your __________ to the same extent that
you need his love.  Why it’s
absolutely critical that you 
treat your husband with ____________ – even though you
think he has yet to earn it
(see page 32)

How to guide your husband’s sexual
advances so that you’ll get the emotional
intimacy and pleasure that
you want from lovemaking – while making your
husband feel that he’s in control
(see page 39)

easiest and most amicable way to avoid
never-ending debates with your husband about
how to make decisions or resolve issues in your
household (see page 74)

Why you should NEVER give in to your husband’s sexual
advances when he’s behaving miserably or in an ugly
manner.  Do this at your own risk! 
(see page 40)

to get your husband to realize how powerful it is when
he considers your opinions and incorporates them into
his decision-making – without denigrating his
ability as a man or making him feel weak or
untrustworthy (see page 66)

How a simple shift in your attitude
towards your husband’s ability to provide for the
family can help your husband advance in his
career (see page 69)

For Wives with Children:  How the emotional
bond between your husband and you can be eroded when
you become overly attached to your child (or children)
– the secret fear your husband will
never tell you about
(see pages 70-71)

How the unwillingness of wives to yield to their
husbands inadvertently becomes a block to
intimacy (see page 58)

much more!


Read a FREE chapter of What Husbands Can’t Resist


How to Mesmerize Your Husband into Submission

Donna came to me for counseling, and complained that
her husband, Ted, keeps ignoring her when she tries to
talk to him.  It turns out that Donna had the habit of
carrying on one-sided conversations — with her
telling Ted how she feels, and Ted dismissing her with
a cursory “Uh-huh” or ignoring her altogether. 

I taught Donna a skill (see
page 48 of
What Husbands Can’t
Resist) which literally
mesmerized her husband. 

When Ted came in at the following counseling session,
he said to me, “I can’t remember the last time
I felt so powerless around my wife.  I mean,
if she had wanted a new dress right there and then, or
a fancy trip, or whatever, I’m afraid I would have
said yes because I wouldn’t have been able to stop

You Must Be 100%
Satisfied or the E-Book is Free

In almost 2 decades of private practice, I’ve seen “the
good, the bad and the ugly” when it comes to marital advice
and relationship counseling.  My clients have told me about
every piece of advice they’ve read in magazines, books and
courses, or received from so-called “relationship
gurus.”  Some of the advice has been fairly helpful, but the
majority of it is ill-conceived, and makes sense only
on paper — but doesn’t work in real life.

That’s why I often warn my clients that when they
take relationship advice from unreliable sources, they’re putting their
marriage at risk because the advice might not
only be ineffective, but may also be detrimental to their
marriage.  By contrast, I present only those strategies and
insights that have produced the most amazing results.  There
simply is no book or resource available today that contains
better strategies for dramatically improving your marriage
than my e-book, What
Husbands Can’t Resist.  I’m so
convinced of this that I’m willing to let you preview the
e-book at absolutely no risk to you. 

GUARANTEE:  Preview the e-book for
8 weeks (56 days), and try your hand at the strategies
I reveal in it — so that you can experience the
amazing results for yourself.  If you can find a more
results-producing program elsewhere for making your
marriage sizzle and capturing your husband’s
devotion, your entire purchase price will be
refunded.  Or, if you’re less than 100% satisfied with
the e-book, just send me an e-mail within 56 days of
your purchase, and your refund will be issued
immediately.  The book will be yours to keep for

Turn Your Marriage Around Before It’s Too Late

What causes a
marriage to go downhill? 

I can tell you right now that it’s never because of
just one big disagreement, conflict or fight —
it’s never just one huge avalanche or storm, but rather the
slow, insidious drip-drip-drip of not
understanding your husband day after day, and night
after night.  It’s that constant drip (which wives often
ignore) that erodes the very foundation of a marriage,
just like the continuous drip of a leaky faucet in the dead
of night.

it any wonder that many a wife is caught by surprise when
her marriage suddenly ends in divorce even though she
thought there was nothing seriously wrong with her marriage?  Or when a wife finds out her husband is
cheating on her — even though she thought her marriage
was going pretty well?  

Again, it’s that drip-drip-drip that often goes
unnoticed — until it overflows and turns into a
flood that seems to have “come out of nowhere.” 

My point is this:  Although it’s not always a wife’s
fault that a marriage deteriorates or ends in divorce, it is
the wife who has the power to turn the marriage around for
the better — with or without the cooperation of her
husband.  And she can do this by going back to the
fundamentals — that is, understanding her
husband.  Understanding his desires and needs, his
fears and his secrets.

Let me ask you a question:  Do
you know what your husband’s PRIMARY desire is?

No, it’s not sex.  And neither is it money or a beautiful wife
— even though all these things do please him.

No matter how many times I’ve asked this question,
no married woman has ever been able to answer it correctly. 
And this, I believe, is one of the MAIN causes of the
steady deterioration of most marriages.  It’s the insidious
drip-drip-drip that goes unnoticed. 

wife always tends to give her husband what she thinks
he needs or desires — which is quite different from what he
really needs or desires.  As a result, the husbands
needs are seldom fulfilled, or are only fulfilled
sporadically or by accident.

Before you start suspecting me of being a male chauvinist
who thinks that it’s a wife’s sole purpose to selflessly
serve her husbands needs, I want you to listen
closely.  Once you know what
your husband’s primary desire is, and you make it your priority to give it to him (and this is easier to
do than you think), you set into motion a cascade of
events that will create a happy marriage that
fulfills your needs.  I guarantee it.

On page 29 of

What Husbands Can’t
Resist, I reveal what your
husband’s primary desire is — and how you can use it
awaken dormant talents, skills and faculties in your
husband that you never even knew he had. 

Just this one single insight can make a dramatic
impact on your marriage — and have an incredible effect on
your husband.  Now, imagine what spectacular
results you’ll get when you use the dozens of insights and strategies sprinkled throughout the e-book’s

Remember — the key to a happy marriage is understanding
your husband.  It’s not about playing mind
games, using sneaky manipulation tactics or fake persuasion
tricks like some magazine articles, books and resources
might suggest. 
Husbands Can’t Resist
is overflowing with information that enables
you to get inside your husband’s head and gain access to his
heart.  It gives you everything you need to turn your
marriage around — and avoid the unknown perils that could lead you down the road to divorce. 

Most of the information that appears in my e-book appears
nowhere else — both online or offline.  This is the only
resource of its kind on earth.  The strategies and
insights have taken 17 years of real-life experience for me
to discover and compile.

this e-book
is not for everyone.  It’s not for
the timid wife who’s afraid of trying anything new — nor is
it for the wife who prefers to get marriage advice from
magazines or from friends and relatives who give advice that
might seem to make sense but actually has
no basis in reality, or does not produce results. 

This e-book is designed for the wife who has a vision of
how wonderful her marriage could be, and has the GUTS to seize her power and use
counter-intuitive strategies to transform herself
into the woman her husband would want to marry all over

If this describes you, then I urge you to get your
hands on
What Husbands
Can’t Resist.  Try the blueprint I
reveal in the e-book — and put it to the test.  Take as
long as 8 weeks to implement the strategies, if you want,
but I can assure you that you’ll begin seeing results in
your husband, your marriage, and most of all, yourself — in
as little as a few days, a few hours, or in the case of some
strategies, in an instant!

assured that if the blueprint doesn’t do for you what I
promised —

or if you’re not 100% satisfied for
any reason, you can simply send me an e-mail within 60 days
of your purchase, and I’ll refund your entire purchase price
— no questions asked.  You
owe it to yourself to see how amazing this blueprint works,
when followed for a few days or weeks. 

Always know that once you know the secret to
getting inside your husband’s head and gaining access to his heart, the rewards are simply spectacular!

Wishing you the marriage of your dreams,

Bob Grant, L.P.C.
“The Relationship

Not Available In Stores

Does your husband do things that baffle you?  Maybe they could be simple things like throwing his
dirty socks on the floor (when the hamper is only a few feet
or refusing to clean off his plate and put it in the
dishwasher.  Other things he does could be more
frustrating — like why he insists on keeping his
dead-end, low-paying job.  Some of his actions might even
cause exasperation.  Why does he get upset
over some of the trivial things you do, and then turn around
and exhibit tremendous patience over things that other
people would be overwhelmed by? 

Whatever your husband’s personality may be, or whatever kind
of childhood or life experiences he may have had, there’s a
secret to unraveling the mysteries of his heart,
mind and soul — and it’s in my e-book,
What Husbands Can’t Resist.

P.P.S.  Did you know that having a
happy marriage is one of the best things you can do
for your health?  Conversely, if  you have a
problematic marriage, it could wreak havoc on your
health.  Consider the following story of one of my
female clients:  ↓ ↓ ↓ 


How Erica Learned to Inspire, Motivate and Mold Her
Husband’s Behavior and Attitudes

     A client of mine
named Erica came to see me several months ago.  She
was experiencing frequent panic attacks
to the extent that she couldn’t even drive herself
anywhere, due to her fears.  When we discussed her
marriage, she told me she was confident that her
husband, Doug, loved her — but all he seemed to care
about was for her to “just get better already.”  She
longed for his support because she suffered
from embarrassment, shame and hopelessness over her
mental condition.

 What Erica didn’t realize is how deeply Doug
WANTED to help her — but he just didn’t know how.  He
was simply doing what men do – telling her to get
better because that’s what men usually do to uplift
each other — giving the unspoken encouragement that
“You’re strong and I know you can beat this.”  But
Erica saw Doug’s typical male behavior as a sign
of impatience, unsupportiveness and unlovingness. 

Acting on the advice that I reveal in
page 13 of

What Husbands
Can’t Resist, Erica began to
“invest” in her husband.  She learned ways to inspire,
motivate and mold  her husband’s behavior and
attitudes — and she was astonished
at how patient he soon became.  The most surprising
thing to her was how the simple strategy of keeping
her house clean (see page 41)
made Doug immediately more attentive to her! 

Within a few weeks’ time, Doug became less
concerned about her “getting better” and more
concerned about her as his wife — her mental
condition notwithstanding.  Ironically, almost as soon
as Doug began showing Erica that he accepted,
supported and loved her, the panic attacks

Whether you’re
trying to improve your marriage for the sake of your
happiness or your health, it’s one of the best investments
you could ever make in your life!  That’s why it makes even
more sense to own
Husbands Can’t Resist today. 

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