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Quick Tips Episode 7: The October Creative Challenge – A Call for Change


Join and Stu and Ryan as they unveil the latest WeVideo creative challenge for the month of October. In partnership with Northern California’s PBS and NPR affiliate, KQED, our October creative challenge is centered around a KQED Youth Media Challenge project called, A Call for Change.

“In the Call for Change commentary project, students combine a personal connection to an issue with research-based evidence, then express their ideas for how to make the world a better place, says KQED.

We discuss how to implement this project, showcase student examples, and give editing tips on how to utilize stock media, voiceover narration, media capture, color correction, and more to bring this commentary project to life. Learn how to complete this creative challenge and submit to KQED and share on social media using #wevideocreative!

Resources from today’s episode:

Visit the creative challenge home page: https://www.wevideo.com/creative-challenges/call-for-change

Access everything you need to facilitate this project: https://youthmedia.kqed.org/commentary/video

WeVideo academy: tutorial videos to help you learn all the WeVideo features:

Our new Back to School toolkit is here. Head over to:
https://learn.wevideo.com/back-to-sch… to access amazing resources like the activity we shared in this video!

Get yourself and your students WeVideo certified! Take a course. Earn a badge. Learn the WeVideo platform on your own time and at your own pace with the WeVideo Certification Program:
